The Partnership for Heliophysics and Space Environment Research (PHaSER) supports the scientific and technical program of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Heliophysics Science Division (HSD) through a six-member partnership that builds on current collaborations and extensive local experience in all the core disciplines served by the division. PHaSER comprises The Catholic University of America (CUA), University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), University of Maryland College Park (UMCP), George Mason University (GMU), Howard University (HU), and Universities Space Research Association (USRA).

The Exhibit below, and several other pages on this site, detail the PHaSER management guiding principles.  These principles for PHaSER are to sustain and strengthen existing partnerships with HSD civil service researchers, nurture early-career scientists by providing a broad range of opportunities for students and newly minted Ph.D. scientists, facilitate collaborations with visiting scientists and the broader research community, and enable productive integration of PHaSER scientific staff in Heliophysics science planning, technology development, and all phases of mission implementation. 

PHaSER Guiding Principles

· Prioritize excellence in science through sound management, excellent business and financial support, and optimized recruitment and retention
· Sustain and strengthen partnerships among Heliophysics researchers
· Nurture early career scientists by providing a broad range of opportunities for students and recently graduated PhDs
· Facilitate collaborations with visiting scientists and the broader research community
· Enable productive integration of university scientists in HSD scientific planning, technology development, and all phases of mission implementation                   

As a locally-based consortium, PHaSER uniquely provides HSD world-class research scientists, a focused organizational structure to meet HSD needs and goals, and access to the educational and organizational resources of our six member institutions. PHaSER’s primary objective is to enhance the capability of HSD to conduct a broad and vigorous space science research program in support of its strategic science mission objectives. This is accomplished primarily through the recruitment, hiring, and retention of high-quality scientists and students in cooperation with the HSD scientists responsible for specific research areas.

PHaSER continues and expands the on-going support to Code 670 currently undertaken through two separate previous cooperative agreements:  the Center for Excellence in the Physics of the Heliosphere and Sun (CEPHEUS), led by CUA with subawards to GMU; and the Goddard Planetary Heliophysics Institute (GPHI) led by UMBC in partnership with UMCP. The PHaSER management approach is designed to build on the long-standing relationships between our member universities and their key personnel and civil servants in HSD, provide new opportunities enabled by the expanded partnership, and ensure a seamless transition with minimal disturbance to current staff and HSD science projects.

PHaSER provides HSD with a unified management approach that supports our scientists and ensures immediate and efficient responses to queries, requests, and needs of HSD scientists. We integrate active scientists at our partner universities into our management to keep the focus on scientific success and strengthen relationships with GSFC. The PHaSER management team works closely with HSD sponsors to manage budgets and respond to expected and unexpected changes in funding.

PHaSER institutions have scientific and technical expertise aligned with all the laboratories in HSD, including current staff working in those organizations and university faculty members with access to students, university resources, and recruitment programs aimed at minority populations. PHaSER represents a network as much as a partnership, and we leverage the many linkages the member institutions have to help move HSD scientific and technical projects forward. This is particularly important for being well positioned to support new initiatives in HSD by providing access to people and resources with little delay and optimum results. Similarly, PHaSER supports special programs to stimulate and support HSD collaborations, connections, and scientific interchanges with the external science communities through visiting scientist, postdoc and sabbatical support, student and internship programs, and conference hosting and organization.

The PHaSER administration and management structure is designed to support each of the researchers working with HSD sponsors. PHaSER management is responsible for equitable salaries and benefits, annual performance evaluations, mentoring and career development, and ensuring a safe, secure, and harassment free workplace. The PHaSER administrative structure draws on many years of experience with government grants and cooperative agreements. Working closely with sponsors and administrative personnel in HSD, PHaSER provides a staffing and work environment that support a vibrant and successful research and technology program.