Group photo of participants in balloon project

Project Description

We are a team of Catholic University students working with the NASA/HQ education initiative for undergraduate majors in science, engineering, and humanities. The course aims to provide Catholic University students unique opportunities to design, build, test, calibrate, and fly a prototype Attitude Determination system for High Altitude Research Balloons.

Team Members

Jason Quisberth
Erin Doody
Raíssa Silva
Fernando Esteves
Peter Schramm
Gary Uritskiy
Particia Yoritomo
Devon Gonteski
Michael-David Lamos
Edemar Morsch FilhoAlex Leo
Diogenes Dichoso

Supervision and NASA Support

Dr. Ekaterina Verner
Dr. Fred Bruhweiler
Dr. Jandro Abot
Dr. Alan Kogut
Doug Rowland
Luke Lowe
Justin Lazear

Photos of Our Progress

Male and female student working on project
Students working on balloon project
Physics equipment
Physics equipment