Can Slow and Fast Thinking (in the sense of 2002 Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman [& Amos Tversky] be coded as Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Not yet but we can emulate the emotion with 5G smartphones
Harold Szu
Research Ordinary Professor
School of Engineering
The Catholic University of America
Wed, September 8, 2020 - 4:00 PM
Karl Herzfeld Auditorium of Hannan Hall - Rm 108
AI relies on the electronic signals (supervised, a la Alan Turing sense, supported by computers); future-AI cannot yet rely on both supervised electronic and unsupervised chemical signals, the so-called Natural Intelligence (NI). We believe both the electronic logic IQ [slow thinking via sensors, deep learning, Hippocampus memory recalls], and the rapid diffusions of hormone's macromolecules, so-called e-IQ [Amygdale pairs emotional gut's feeling]. Together the slow thinking IQ & fast thinking e-IQ complete the emulation of NI. Our effort toward NI, but not there yet, might be referred to as "Cutting Edge AI".
Refreshments served at 3:45 PM
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