Quasi-periodic Energy Release and Jets at the
Base of Solar Coronal Plumes

Dr. Pankai Kumar
Research Associate Professor
Heliophysics Science Division, American Univerisity
Space Weather Lab, Code 674
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Wed, December 6, 2023 - 4:00 PM

pankaj-kumar-139-sm.jpgCoronal plumes are long, ray-like, open structures that have been considered as possible sources of the solar wind. Their origin in the largely unipolar coronal holes has long been a mystery. Earlier spectroscopic and imaging observations revealed blueshifted plasma and propagating disturbances (PDs) in plumes that are widely interpreted in terms of flows and/or propagating slow-mode waves, but these interpretations (flows versus waves) remain under debate. Here we present high-resolution observations from the SDO/AIA and IRIS that revealed numerous, quasi-periodic, tiny jets (so-called jetlets) associated with transient brightening, flows, and plasma heating at the chromospheric footpoints of the plumelets. By analogy to larger coronal jets, these jetlets are most likely produced within the plume base by magnetic reconnection between closed and open flux at stressed 3D null points. The jetlet-associated brightenings are in phase with plumelet-associated PDs, and vary with a period of ~3-5 minutes, which is remarkably consistent with the photospheric/chromospheric p-mode oscillation. This reconnection at the open-closed boundary in the chromosphere/transition region is likely modulated or driven by local manifestations of the global p-mode waves. The jetlets extend upward to become plumelets, contribute mass to the solar wind, and may be sources of the switchbacks recently detected by the Parker Solar Probe.

Refreshments served at 3:45 PM

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