Quantum Geometry and Adiabaticity

Raffaele Resta

Istituto Officina dei Materiali
Trieste, Italy

Wed, February 5, 2025 - 4:00 PMfoto-resta.png
A sharp definition of what “adiabatic” means is given; it is then shown
that quantum geometry accounts for the adiabatic response of a generic
quantum system, by means of a quantity called the Berry curvature. First
it shown that continuity equation is conserved in the adiabatic limit; then
it is shown that the time-dependent expectation value of a many-electron
observable in the adiabatic limit can be expressed—in many cases—by
means of the appropriate Berry curvature. Observables belonging to this
class include: linear polarizability, infrared charges, and rotational

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