- Computational solar MHD. The computations are carried out in part on NASA NAS massively parallel computers (L. Ofman)
- Hybrid kinetic simulation studies of solar wind plasma heating (L. Ofman)
- Multifluid models of the solar wind (L. Ofman)
- Wave dynamics in coronal active regions (T.J. Wang, L. Ofman)
- Solar EUV spectroscopy with the SERTS and EUNIS sounding rocket programs (J. Brosius)
- Radio observations of coronal magnetic fields (J. Brosius)
- Spectral studies of solar flares (J. Brosius)
- Multispectral studies of solar emission, at radio, visible and UV wavelengths (T. Moran)
- Coronal mass ejections in three dimensions using SOHO/LASCO data (T. Moran)
- Development of new technique for measurement of solar wind velocity and electron temperature (N. Reginald)
- CME Cone model Implementation and its application to space weather forecast; Iron ion (Fe) charge state inside and outside magnetic clouds; Relation between CME brightness (mass) and plasma density at 1 AU (H. Xie)
- CME catalog development using SOHO data (S. Yashiro)
- Developing the method for reconstruction of a vector field (magnetic or velocity) from coronal observations in support of the NASA STEREO mission (M. Kramar).
- The automated detection of CME's.
- Analysis of Hinode EIS data and search for wave signatures (T.J. Wang).
- Analysis of STEREO data.